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The Mental Health Department - within the Local Health Unit ROMA2 - represents the agency responsible for programming, coordinating and implementing mental health interventions of adult population.

 The mission of the International  Foundation - founded in 1999 -  is to prevent and remove all forms of social exclusion and poverty by means of plans and actions directed at making  up for the absence and loss of human relationships and at recreating links of solidarity and mutual assistance.

It’s a Non-Profit Association. It takes actively part to the development of an inclusive society working on projects strictly linked among them, whose focus is housing. They provide personalized support to people with disabilities. The Association developed experiences in the working network and in the collaborative approach with the various local agencies.




UnivPsycHosp Vrapče


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The PanHellenic Union for Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Work Integration (PEPSAEE) is a Scientific – Non Governmental/Non Profit Association established in 1997 in Greece. It specializes in supporting, coordinating and empowering rehabilitation and work integration initiatives for people with mental health problems.

Department of Social Psychiatry of  University Psychiatric Hospital Vrapce  Zagreb is the leading  institution for the rehabilitation for people with mental disorders in Croatia, particularly those with severe mental disorders. The Department  collaborates with patient organizations that provide services to assist patients in their own home and  day care center. It also  collaborates  with  social institution for housing.

(MEH) is an established voluntary and community sector organisation working in the field of social inclusion and is a key stakeholder and influential support body. MEH focus on Social Inclusion through partnership to deliver projects supporting disadvantaged individuals into employment, training and self employment  through a wide range of adult learning methodologies.


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